The dangers of intestinal plaque and how to get rid of it naturally

When we think about plaque, we often think about our dental or coronary health. Although these are two things you definitely want to be plaque free, they may not be nearly as important as breaking up plaque in your intestinal system. The ability to do that properly can result in exceptional health benefits that not only improve your digestive system, but your entire body. An Intestinal cleanse can be the answer. 

So what is this plaque exactly, why does it exist, what health problems can it cause, and how do we get rid of it to obtain optimal health? 

Biofilm | What is Mucoid Plaque? 

Biofilm is exactly what it sounds like - a sticky film that is made by living, microscopic organisms. The structure is fairly tough, and to give you an example, dental plaque is biofilm in the mouth. The fact that the dentists needs a special tool to scrape it off your teeth gives you an idea of how strong it is and how difficult it can be to break down without the proper measures.


Bacteria and other microscopic creatures create this unhealthy biofilm in order to ensure their survival. They essentially are creating their biological home in your body using a mixture of sugars and proteins that help protect them against any "attacks" that they may face (such as antibiotics) that would potentially kill them off.

However, there is a healthy biofilm as well, which is a thin mucus created in a healthy gut by beneficial microflora. This healthy biofilm allows the passage of nutrients through the intestinal wall and is moistening, lubricating, and anti-inflammatory.

So the goal with biofilm is to foster the healthy, thin mucus that absorbs nutrients and to eliminate the unhealthy film that houses bad bacteria and parasites and compromises your nutrient absorption.

Symptoms and conditions associated with unhealthy biofilm (mucoid plaque)

Mucoid plaque found in the bowel is not equivalent to the natural healthy gastric and intestinal mucosa or biofilm. Research indicates that in fact it would be very rare to see normal mucosa because the layers of mucoid plaque that cover the entire intestinal tract are so common. Many doctors who are unaware of mucoid plaque believe that the mucoid plaque is the normal mucosa. This is not true.

Mucoid plaque is created by the body to protect itself from acids and toxic compounds such as drugs (especially aspirin and alcohol), table salt, heavy metals, chemicals, antigen antibody complexes, microbial activity. It is also induced by the toxins produced by incomplete digestion and absorption of carbohydrates.

As you might expect, an unhealthy gut biofilm can wreak a lot of havoc in your intestinal system. For starters, it can:
• Prevent absorption of nutrients through the intestinal wall
• Isolate disease causing microorganisms from accessing your immune system
• Shield disease causing microorganisms from antibiotics and antifungals (both herbal and pharmaceutical grade)
• Promote inflammation
• Foster toxins like heavy metals

This plaque really creates a "shelter" for yeast, parasites, and bacteria that find protection in the biofilm matrix, which can help these microorganisms survive some of the strongest natural and chemical medications. As a result of this resistance, over time it can create conditions like:
• Systemic candida overgrowth
• Parasites
• Heartburn or GERD
• Chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia
• IBS, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn's disease
• Bloating, gas, brain fog, arthritis, stomach cramping, acne, and skin conditions
Unhealthy biofilm can create a lifetime sentence of disease and aging as it allows infections to persist, and allows other co-infections to take place, which can lead to chronic degenerative diseases.
• Also associated with carcinomas of the lung, breast, ovary, and gastrointestinal tract.

If you have mucoid plaque in your bowels, your body cannot function properly; coffee enemas nor colon hydrotherapy (colonic) won’t be effective as they address only the large intestine and optimal healing cannot occur.

How to get rid of unhealthy biofilm

Breaking through unhealthy biofilm requires specific "tools". It's not as easy as simply eating healthy and hoping it will resolve itself. You need to consider some very specific choices that have been shown to break down this unhealthy biofilm, such as:
• The most powerful method at this time is without a doubt the ZenCleanz Super-Enzyme Cleanses. These enzyme blend have the ability to strip off the unhealthy biofilm and strengthen the healthy one at the same time. And the only require a single day.
• Proteolytic enzymes like protease, papain, and pepsidase FP. These only if taken on an empty stomach can be effective.
• Clove
• False black pepper
• Many other protocols have been offered and may require a strict fasting discipline maintained over a week and will require a post-treatment to rebuild the flora as they won’t discern the bad from the good layers of biofilm.


How to rebuild and maintain your gut flora

A nutrient dense diet based on whole foods is necessary to rebuild and maintain a healthy gut flora. Avoid processed flours, sugars, and refined oils. Fermented foods and beverages should be strongly considered to incorporate friendly bacteria that will help promote the growth of a healthy biofilm and facilitate proper nutrient assimilation. In addition to eliminating biofilm, make sure that you incorporate these gut healing miracle foods. 


By Daniel Li Ox 0 comment


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